Thursday, December 28, 2006

1兆6千5百億ドルの著作権侵害 Responds to RIAA Lawsuit
December 27, 2006

The RIAA charges that is an illegal service and infringes on their member company's copyrights because they have yet to see any of the fees collected by the Russian music store. has quickly become one of the most successful music stores online, namely because of its ability to sell music for less than 10 cents per download. The addition of a DRM-free (Digital Rights Management) environment has also helped bolster this service as one of the few viable alternatives to P2P networking - at least in the eyes of the file-sharing community.

DRM フリーで、1曲10セント以下でダウンロード出来るサービスを提供している、 を RIAA が訴えたそうです。

そして、 の回答は、
AllofMP3 countered the music industry’s claim, stating the service is completely legal in Russia as all necessary fees have been forwarded to the Russian royalty collection firm, ROMS. From there, AllofMP3 feels it is the responsibility of ROMS to divvy up the royalties to the copyright holders. AllofMP3 has managed to obtain a certain level of de facto legality, as the Russian authorities have yet to successfully force the site off line. は ROMS に全ての必要は料金を支払っているので、ロシアでは完全に合法です。著作権者に著作権料を支払うのは ROMS の責任です。

ごもっともな、ご意見だと思います。 biggrin

AllofMP3’s argument has not impressed the music industry, or the RIAA. The December 21 lawsuit argues that 11 million songs were allegedly pirated, and seeks damages totaling $150,000 per violation. That's a $1.65 trillion lawsuit - a value slightly less than the Gross Domestic Product for the United Kingdom in 2005.


全く想像の付かない金額です。音楽にどれだけの値打ちが有ると思っているんでしょうか? surprised
何処の国でも、著作権ヤクザ(米国だと著作権マフィア?)は気が狂っています。 mrgreen

"AllofMP3 understands that several U.S. record label companies filed a lawsuit against Media Services in New York," an unnamed "senior company official" stated. "This suit is unjustified as AllofMP3 does not operate in New York. Certainly the labels are free to file any suit they wish, despite knowing full well that AllofMP3 operates legally in Russia. In the mean time, AllofMP3 plans to continue to operate legally and comply with all Russian laws."

AllofMP3 は幾つかのUSレコード・レーベルがニューヨークで Media Services に訴訟を起こしてるのは理解しているが、AllofMP3 はニューヨークで運営されていないので、この訴訟は正当ではありません。AllofMP3 はロシアで完全に合法的に運営されているのを知った上で、レーベルが訴訟を起こすのは自由です。でも、AllofMP3 はロシアの法律に従い、合法的に運営し続ける計画です。

米国の著作権法は世界中で通用すると思っているのでしょうか? lol
基地外の方を取り締まるべきだと思います。 mrgreen

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